I was 12 years old when this unpleasant incident happened to me. My sister-in-law ask me to buy something...

  • ByMary Sariel, Cebu

"Angels Really Exists saved in the last second!"


I was 12 years old when this unpleasant incident happened to me. My sister-in-law ask me to buy something at the store. So went by bike to the store, and went home in a haste and as soon as I crossed the wide road, there came a truck that almost hit me, and praise God, the truck stopped and I was right in front of it. I looked at the driver and I was so frightened. The driver shouted at me, why I'm not careful.

When I was at the walkway I felt that I'm with somebody who tried to help me, and I thought of my Guardian Angel. It must be him who saved my life from that danger. Since then I really believe that Angels exist and are ready to help me any time I need them. As a young girl, I didn't believe in angels until that experience. In that moment I realized that making friends with an angel is a good way to be close to them.

Since that time I always communicate with my angel as my real and trusted friend.
