My story starts in the church: One night after the Holy Mass, my best brother and a strange guy had an argument...

  • ByEurika, Cebu

"Calm him down, my Angel!"


My story starts in the church: One night after the Holy Mass, my best brother and a strange guy had an argument. They called each other names, and the quarrel ended up in a fight. I tried to calm them down but my brother did not listen and even warned me that if I would not stop he would hurt me. The other guy left and went home, but my brother followed him. I think my brother was badly offended by that guy. I couldn’t do anything so I just stayed in one corner and prayed to God and suddenly I thought of my Angel. I told my angel My ANGEL please tell the angel of my brother to please let him calm down, and suddenly the conflict between the two was over. There are times that if things are unbearable I tried to ask help from God to send His Holy Angel to protect, govern, and instruct me.


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  • By anonymous

Angelic Alarm Clock

My daughter Kathy had to get up early the next day. As usual, I told her to pray to her Guardian Angel to wake her up in time...

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